Dynamic Smart Array B120i |centos raid

Posted by 주원이^^
2014. 4. 30. 11:02 리눅스/trouble shooting
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Linux CentOS -

Redhat EL Installation on HP Smart Array B120i SATA RAID Controller - HP ML/DL Servers


현재 HP Smart Array가 설치되어 있는 서버에 Centos를 설치시 ACHI 커널 패닉을 볼수 있을것이다

구글링한 결과 몇몇분들은 설치가 되었다고 하시는데 저는 안되서 해결하면서 진행한 내용을 요약합니다

우분투는 그냥 설치되는듯 합니다



- 준비물

1. 설치할 리눅스 커널 버전에 맞는 Driver 파일 [LINK]

2. 드라이버를 USB장치에 저장할 툴 [LINK]

3. OS설치용USB x 1, Driver 설치용 USB x 1

4. 갑자기 오류가 나와도 참을수 있는 멘탈



- 스탭

1. CMOS 에서 SATA Raid Controller Enable


2. HP Smart Array Setting 에서 파티션 구성 및 로직컬 볼륨 생성


3. Linux 설치용 USB 생성


4. 드라이버 설치용 복사


Selecting the Correct Disk Driver

HP offers drivers for the B110i controller for a variety of operating systems, including Redhat and SUSE, both for Intel and AMD based CPU systems. The driver diskette image provides the binary driver modules pre-built for Linux, which enables the HP Smart Array B110i SATA RAID Controller. CentOS users can make use of the Redhat drivers without hesitation.

For this article we are providing as a direct download, drivers for RedHat Enterprise Linux & CentOS v6.0 for Intel and AMD 64bit processors (x86-64bit). These files are available at our Linux download section.

If a diskette driver for earlier or later systems is required, we advise to visit HP’s website and search for the term “Driver Diskette for HP Smart Array B110i” which will produce a good amount of results for all operating systems.

Driver diskette file names have the format “hpahcisr-1.2.6-11.rhel6u0.x86_64.dd.gz” where rhel represents the operating system (RedHat Enterprise Linux), 6u0 stands for update 0 (version 6, update 0 = 6.0) and x86_64 for the system architecture covering x86 platforms (Intel & AMD).


Writing Image to Floppy Disk or USB Flash

The driver diskette must be uncompressed using a utility such as 7zip (freely available). Uncompressing the file reveals the file dd.img . This is the driver disk image that needs to be written to a floppy disk drive or USB flash.

Linux users can use the following command to create their driver diskette. Keep in mind to substitute /dev/sdb to reflect your usb or floppy drive:

# dd if=hpahcisr-1.2.6-11.rhel6u0.x86_64.dd.gz of=/dev/sdb

Windows users can use RawWrite if they wish to write it to a floppy disk drive or Win32DiskImager to write it to a USB Flash. Both utilities are provided with our disk driver download. Since we had a USB floppy disk drive in hand, we selected RawWrite:

rawwrite usage and screenshot



5. 설치용 USB넣고 설치 화면에서 [ESC] 클릭 후

linux dd blacklist=ahci ☜ 입력


Loading the Driver Diskette

With the driver diskette ready, it’s time to begin the CentOS installation, by booting from the DVD:

centos 6.0 welcome installation


At the installation menu, hit ESC to receive the boot: prompt. At the prompt, enter the following command: linux dd blacklist=ahci and hit enter to being installation as shown below:

centos 6 initrd.img driver installation


6. 드라이버 USB 넣고 설치할 커널 버전에 맞는 드라이버 선택


The initial screen of the installation GUI will allow you to load the driver diskette created. At the question, select Yes and hit enter:



Next screen instructs to insert the driver disk into /dev/sda and press OK. The location /dev/sda refers to our USB Floppy drive, connected to one of our HP server's USB ports during bootup:



The system will present a screen with the message Reading driver disk, indicating the driver is loading and once complete, the message detecting hardware … waiting for hardware to initialize… will appear:


Finally, the installation procedure asks if you wish you load any more driver disks. We answered No and the installation procedure continued as expected. We saw both logical disks and were able to successfully install and use them without any problem:

linux centos logical drive setup



7. 리눅스 설치

We hope this brief article will help thousands of engineers around the world save a bit of their valuable time!





Dynamic Smart Array B120i centos